Basic Hypertext Navigation with NCSA's Mosaic

Using Links

A colored word or phrase, or a colored border around an inline graphic, indicates a hypertext link. Click it (with the left mouse button) to obtain additional information suggested by the word, phrase, or image. The default colors in NCSA's Mosaic are blue for links you have not seen yet and purple for links you have already seen (even if from a different starting point).

Links can go to different files, or to different locations within a file. Note that links to different locations within a file may change color as soon as you get to the file, not the specific location (depending on your browser).

Main access page General Help access.

Using the Menus and Buttons of NCSA's Mosaic

The menu bar near the top of the Mosaic window gives you access to many functions. Some you may find useful while browsing the hypertext Discover documentation include:

The buttons near the bottom of the Mosaic window include:

Main access page General Help access.

Some Keyboard Shortcuts

Several Mosaic menu or button functions have keyboard equivalents. Among them:

Main access page General Help access.

Interrupting a Hung or Slow Connection

Click the spinning globe icon near the upper right corner of the Mosaic window.

Main access page General Help access.

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