Molecular Dynamics - Statistical Ensembles



Although integrating Newton's equations of motion allows you to explore the constant-energy surface of a system, you may want to keep the temperature and pressure of the system constant during the molecular simulation, to mimic experimental conditions.

The Discover program provides several methods for controlling temperature and pressure. Depending on which state variables (for example, the energy E, volume V, temperature T, pressure P, and number of particles N) are kept fixed, different statistical ensembles can be generated. A variety of structural, energetic, and dynamic properties can then be calculated from the averages or the fluctuations of these quantities over the ensemble generated.

In the Discover 2.9.5 program, the available ensembles are:

In the Discover 95.0 program, the available ensembles are:

In all ensembles, the number of particles is conserved.

Since the ensembles are artificial constructs, they produce averages that are consistent with one another when they represent the same state of the system. Nevertheless, the fluctuations vary in different ensembles. Some of the fluctuations are related to thermodynamic derivatives, such as the specific heat or the isothermal compressibility. In practice, obtaining accurate fluctuations to calculate physical quantities is difficult, and this approach should be used with caution. The transformation and relation between different ensembles has been discussed in greater detail by Allen and Tildesley (1987).

NVE Ensemble

The constant-energy, constant-volume ensemble (NVE), also known as the microcanonical ensemble, is obtained by solving Newton's equation without any temperature and pressure control. Energy is conserved when this ensemble is generated. However, because of rounding and truncation errors during the integration process, there is always a slight drift in energy. In the Verlet leapfrog algorithm, only r(t) and v(t - 1/2t) are known at each timestep. Thus, the potential and kinetic energies at each timestep are also half a step out of synchrony. Although the difference between the kinetic energies half a timestep apart is small, this also contributes to the fluctuation in the total energy.

Constant-energy simulations are not recommended for equilibration because, without the energy flow facilitated by the temperature control methods, the desired temperature cannot be achieved. However, during the data collection phase, if you are interested in exploring the constant-energy surface of the conformational space, or, for other reasons do not want the perturbation introduced by temperature- and pressure-bath coupling, this is a useful ensemble.

NVT Ensemble

The constant-temperature, constant-volume ensemble (NVT), also referred to as the canonical ensemble, is the default ensemble provided in the Discover program. The ensemble is obtained by controlling the temperature through direct temperature scaling during the initialization stage and by temperature-bath coupling during the data collection phase. The volume is kept constant throughout the run. This is the appropriate choice when conformational searches of molecules are carried out in vacuum without periodic boundary conditions. Without periodic boundary conditions, volume, pressure, and density are not defined. Constant-pressure dynamics cannot be carried out. Even if periodic boundary conditions are used, if pressure is not a significant factor the constant-temperature constant-volume ensemble provides the advantage of less perturbation of the trajectory, due to the absence of coupling to a pressure bath.

NPT Ensemble

The constant-temperature, constant-pressure ensemble (NPT) allows control over both the temperature and pressure. The unit cell vectors are allowed to change, and the pressure is adjusted by adjusting the volume. This is the ensemble of choice when the correct pressure, volume, and densities are important in the simulation. This ensemble can also be used during equilibration to achieve the desired temperature and pressure before changing to the constant-volume or constant-energy ensemble when data collection starts.

NST Ensemble

The constant-temperature, constant-stress ensemble (NST) is an extension of the constant-pressure ensemble. In addition to the hydrostatic pressure which is applied isotropically, constant-stress ensemble allows you to control the xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, and zx components of the stress tensor (sometimes also known as the pressure tensor). This ensemble is particularly useful if you want to study the stress-strain relationship in polymeric or metallic materials.

NPH Ensemble

The constant-pressure, constant-enthalpy ensemble (NPH) is the analogue of constant-volume, constant-energy ensemble. Enthalpy H, which is the sum of E and PV, is constant when the pressure is kept fixed without any temperature control.

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