Cell Multipole Method

The cell multipole method is available in the Discover 95.0 program only.



The cell multipole method (CMM) provides a treatment of the nonbond interactions for nonperiodic systems that is more rigorous and efficient than the application of cutoffs. This recently developed method (Greengard and Rokhlin 1987, Schmidt and Lee 1991, Ding et al. 1992) is a hierarchical approach that allows the accuracy of the nonbond calculation to be controllable. It scales as N.

The cell multipole method applies to the general energy expression of the following form:

Eq. 2-7:
where i is the potential at atom i, Rij is the distance between atom i and atom j, p is a number (p = 1 for Coulombic and 6 for London dispersion interactions, for example), and the 's are general charges. For Coulombic interactions, the 's are real charges.

The general potential i may be divided into a near-field potential due to the surrounding atoms (those within a few angstroms) and a far-field potential due to the rest of the atoms that interact with the ith atom.

The number of interactions in the near field is limited, so it is relatively easy to calculate the near-field potential exactly. The number of interactions in the far field is of order N 2, making an exact calculation of this potential intractable for large molecules. The cell multipole method calculates the far-field potential accurately and efficiently as described under Implementation of the CMM Method.

Implementation of the CMM Method

We begin by placing an arbitrarily shaped molecule in a rectangular box. The box is then cubed into a number of basic cells of length 4-6 Å and containing 2-4 atoms on average. The basic cell level is denoted level A in Figure 2-9. Starting from a corner of the box, every eight basic cells may be considered to constitute a larger, parent cell, termed level B. Every eight parent cells may constitute a grandparent cell, termed level C. This procedure is repeated until only a few large cells fill the box. For example, considering any atom in cell A0 of the three-level cell system (Figure 2-9) the other atoms in A0 and all atoms in An contribute to the near-field potential, and the atoms in Af, B, and C contribute to the far-field potential.

The cell multipole method involves the following two key steps:

  1. Multipole expansion and calculation of general multipole moments

    The potential associated with each basic cell can be represented as a general potential originating at the center of the cell. This potential may be expanded into an infinite series of multipole moments. For example, the potential associated with cell Af in Figure 2-9 centered at rAf, is expressed as:

    Eq. 2-8:
    where R = rAf - r; r is any point outside cell Af; , = x, y, z; and Z, D, and Q are monopoles, dipoles, and quadrupoles, respectively.

    The potentials associated with the higher-level cells can be expanded in an analogous manner, with moments derived from lower-level cell moments.

  2. Generation of Taylor coefficients

    Using this expansion to represent the potentials associated with Af-, B-, and C-level cells, the far-field potential of cell A0 may be obtained by summing all the far-cell contributions. The resulting potential may now be expanded as a Taylor series about the center of cell A0:

    Eq. 2-9:
    where rA0 is the position vector of the center of cell A0 and r = r - rA0. The Taylor coefficients in Eq. 2-9 are due to all the far-cell contributions.

    A key point of the cell multipole method is that, once the set of Taylor coefficients is calculated at rA0, the far-field potential of any atom in cell A0 is obtained easily through Eq. 2-9.

    Since the Taylor coefficients must be generated for every basic cell, another key point of the cell multipole method is efficient generation of these coefficients. A hierarchical procedure is used, in which coefficients determined for higher-level cells are propagated to the coefficients for lower-level cells. Thus, coefficients for a child B cell are obtained by adding contributions directly translated from the C-level coefficients at the center of the parent C cell to the coefficients at the center of B, generated by considering only the B-cell contributions.

The cell multipole method is an order N method as discussed elsewhere (Greengard and Rokhlin 1987, Schmidt and Lee 1991, Ding et al. 1992). The time savings with respect to an exact N 2 algorithm, as well as the improved accuracy relative to using cutoffs, can be dramatic. Table 2-1 shows results from several calculations on hemoglobin. When the conventional method with 9.5-Å cutoffs is used, the computational and setup times are greatly reduced, but at the cost of a disturbingly large error (over 1% of the correct energies). The last 6 lines of the table show results for second-, third-, and fourth-order multipole expansions at two levels of computational accuracy. The short-range treatment becomes progressively better towards the bottom of the table. However, the overall CPU time required increases. It is practical to achieve essentially exact results (within a fraction of a kcal mol-1 ) in reasonable times.

For larger systems than hemoglobin, the improvement in performance can be even more dramatic. For a system ten times larger, the cell multipole method would take 3-10 minutes for the energy evaluation, depending on the accuracy desired. The exact N 2 calculation, in contrast, would take about three days!

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Describe-System access Nonbond Cutoffs Ewald Sums

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