SHELX-97 License Registration Form


Postal address:


Email (legible!):
[ _ ] I wish to license SHELX-97 for use at the following for-profit firm or institution. I agree that within two months I will either destroy all copies of the programs in my possession or pay the license fee of US$2499.This license fee covers the use of the complete SHELX-97 for an unlimited time on an unlimited number of computers of any type at one geographical location:

[ _ ] I wish to license SHELX-97 for exclusively non-commercial purposes at the following not-for-profit institution only:

Please tell me how to obtain SHELX-97 by ftp [ _ ]; Please supply it on CDROM [ _ ];
I already possess a copy of SHELX-97 [ _ ];
[ _ ] I agree to cite SHELX-97 in all publications for which it was useful;
[ _ ] I agree that the author has no liability for any damage or loss caused by the programs;
[ _ ] Please send me a receipt for enclosed cheque;
[ _ ] Please send me an invoice; [ _ ] Please send direct bank transfer info;
[ _ ] No payment required (academic/ftp; [ _ ]$99 for academic users if CDROM)

Signed, date:

This form should be returned to George Sheldrick, Institut Anorg. Chemie,Tammannstr. 4, D37077 Göttingen, Germany by post or fax (+49-551-392582).Unsigned, emailed, incomplete (are the right boxes ticked?) or illegible forms will be returned by normal post for completion!