/* ** PWM for ORANGUTAN from pololu ** atmega8/LB1836M motor controller by Jim Remington (sjames_remington _at_ yahoo.com) ** This code uses 8-bit fast PWM mode with motor braked in off state for both forward and reverse. ** WinAVR REQUIRED INCLUDES AND DEFINES: #include #include #define sei() __asm__ __volatile__ ("sei" ::) #define cli() __asm__ __volatile__ ("cli" ::) #include ***GLOBALS REQUIRED for communication with interrupt routines*** int l_speed,r_speed; */ // OUTPUT COMPARE 1A Interrupt // This interrupt occurs on compare match of TCNT1 with OCR1A. // set motor controller to brake mode (outputs low) SIGNAL (SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A) { PORTB |= _BV(1); //IN1=PB.1=1 PORTD |= _BV(5); //IN2=PD.5=1 } // OUTPUT COMPARE 1B Interrupt // This interrupt occurs on compare match of TCNT1 with OCR1B. // set motor controller to brake mode (outputs low) SIGNAL (SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1B) { PORTB |= _BV(2); //IN3=PB.2=1 PORTD |= _BV(6); //IN4=PD.6=1 } // TIMER 1 OVERFLOW Interrupt // This interrupt occurs each time TCNT1 reaches 0xFF (TOP) in 8-bit mode (488 Hz/1 MHz CPU clock) // check direction and set motor control lines for each motor, as appropriate // This routine could be used for timekeeping or other regular function as this is a periodic interrupt SIGNAL (SIG_OVERFLOW1) { if (r_speed>0) PORTD &= ~_BV(5); //forward PB.1=1 PD.5=0 if (r_speed<0) PORTB &= ~_BV(1); //reverse PD.5=1 PB.1=0 // for speed==0, do nothing as motors are off if (l_speed>0) PORTD &= ~_BV(6); //forward PB.2=1 PD.6=0 if (l_speed<0) PORTB &= ~_BV(2); //reverse PD.6=1 PB.2=0 } /* ** pwm_init - Set up the pwm ports (PORT B1=IN1, B2=IN3, D5=IN2, D6=IN4) */ void pwm_init( void ) { DDRB |= (1<<1) | (1<<2); //make outputs as required DDRD |= (1<<5) | (1<<6); // set outputs to brake both motors PORTB |= _BV(1)|_BV(2); //IN1=IN3=1 : brake PORTD |= _BV(5)|_BV(6); //IN2=IN4=1 // or, set outputs to off (coast) by using the following two lines: // PORTB &= ~(_BV(1) | _BV(2)); //IN1=IN3=0 : coast // PORTD &= ~(_BV(5) | _BV(6)); //IN2=IN4=0 // set timer1 to fast PWM mode 5: WGM12+WGM10 // and to increment at fosc/8 (125 kHz for 1 MHz clock) TCCR1A = _BV (WGM10); //0x01 TCCR1B = (_BV(WGM12) | _BV (CS11)); //0x0A OCR1A = 0; OCR1B = 0; // enable interrupts for tmr1 overflow and output compares TIMSK |= (_BV(OCIE1A) | _BV(OCIE1B) | _BV (TOIE1)); } /* ** pwm_set - Set the two PWM speeds, l_speed and r_speed (globals). Each ranges from -255 to 255 ** ** Warning: Timer1 is 16 bits. DO NOT SET SPEEDS to EXCEED +/- 255 or behavior will be unexpected! Assumes left motor = PB.2 and PD.6, right = PB.1 and PD.5. If direction of travel is wrong, switch motor leads Truth Table for LB1836 controller from data sheet. IN1/3 IN2/4 MODE ---- ----- ---- 1 0 forward 1 1 brake (both outputs low) 0 1 reverse 0 0 coast (both outputs off) */ void pwm_set(void) { PORTB |= _BV(1)|_BV(2); //IN1=IN2=1 : brake PORTD |= _BV(5)|_BV(6); //IN2=IN4=1 OCR1A = abs(r_speed); //set compare registers OCR1B = abs(l_speed); }